Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Interval Timers v 1.2

The latest update to interval timers includes preferences and changes to allow finer control of intervals.


The Setting Tab

The volume slider controls the volume of the sounds produced by the interval timer, it does not affect any music that you are playing in the backgound.

Talk numbers allows control of whether numbers are spoken or a chime is played.
Beep every minutes controls whether a sound is played every minute when a timer is running.

Interval Timer
The 10 second warning switch allows switches on and off the 10 second warning before a new interval starts.

Interval Timer
Setting the Active and Recovery interval now take place on a new screen.
The times can now be set to a precision of 10 seconds. Pressing the small blue arrow will bring up the set time screen. This will allow the Interval Timer to be used as a High Intensity Interval Timers (HIIT) for much smaller intervals.

Countdown Timer
The initial countdown time is now set on a separate screen allowing easier control of the initial time. The time can now be set with a precision of 10 seconds.

1 comment:

  1. Just found a bug in v 1.2. When upgrading from v 1.1 if the number of seconds in any of the intervals i not a multiple of 10 then it's not possible to set the timer to be a multiple of 10 seconds.

    v 1.3 will correct this, to workaround this try deleting the app from your phone, ensure the app it ticked in iTunes so that when you re-sync your phone it is recopied.

